Monday, June 9, 2008

Blog 4- George Gordon, Lord Bryon

She walks in beauty was a really romantic poem. Bryon writes and compares a woman to a starry night. It seems very sweet and like he was writing to impress or woo her. I think Bryon thinks that beauty is "all thats best of dark and bright" which could be like the ugly of a girl (bitchiness etc...) and the good about a girl (caring and looks etc...). In a way, he could not be writing about a girl he knows but about a girl he hopes to meet one day. So he could be idolizing the "perfect" woman. It seems like a lot of people think about their "perfect" significant other, instead of accepting what is really out there.

On This Day I Complete My Thirty-Sixth Year talked of life and learning to like what you have. This peom reminded me of a lyric from the musical Rent: "There's only us, there's only this, forget regret, or life is yours to miss" If we go through live without love and without doing what we think will bring us happiness, we will end up having a nothing life. This poem also reminds me of Little Miss Sunshine: "Life is one beauty contest after another. School, then college, then work...You do what you love, and f*** the rest." In order to truly enjoy life we should just do things to have fun instead of for others.


Meredith said...

I also really like She walks in Beauty. I'm not trying to call you out on details, but the footnotes said that he wrote it about his cousin's wife. I found it kind of creepy and wished I had not been informed of the subject.

Jonathan.Glance said...


You include some interesting remarks about two of Byron's poems in this post, and connect them to some surprising analogues. I am glad you provided specific quotations from Rent and Little Miss Sunshine, but I really wish you had bestowed the same specificity on Byron! The comments on his poems seem pretty vague and general by comparison.

Always either start from a specific passage in the text, or provide textual support to illustrate and substantiate your claims about a text. If you do that, your posts will be more persuasive and successful.

Heather said...

I did enjoy reading She Walks in Beauty, but unfortunately like Meredit I found it a little creepy because he was writing it about his cousin's wife. I really liked your comments on On this Day I complete My Thrity Sixth Year. I think it is so important to live life to the fullest and not take it for granted because anything can happen. You have to find what makes you happy and learn to enjoy everything you experience or you will be miserable. I enjoyed your connection to Little Miss Sunshine!

PYT said...

I love RENT! I didn't think of that. I think he might have been a little bit of a ladies man with poetry like this..LOL